
sábado, 14 de julio de 2012

Seona by Anniken Allis

Started this about two weeks ago. I bought the Let's Knit Magazine while i was waiting for my bus to go to work and was completely hooked up on this because it is very beautiful and grows quick!

I am using Rowan Lima yarn in Cusco colour (884) image below 

Evelyn Clark Designs - Swallowtail Lace Shawl

New Project started only yesterday .....picture below in snugly white

the below is the design and how should be finished

Thanks to Evelyn Clark who so generously made this pattern available for free through Ravelry. I plan on knitting all her designs as these are amazing

Anniken Alli's Sorbet Shawl

Started this project on Saturday morning and it is so easy to read the patterns. It is structured into five different graphs and has very easy stitches therefore it gets knitted quite quickly

The end result should be something like below.....

Ethereal Triangular Shawl

Ethereal Triangular Shawl by Lakshmi Juneja

I started this project with needle size 10 and it was too loose so i changed needles and now looks much better.
As this pattern needs repeats depending how big you want your shawl i have written each row after the first repetition and i follow it. Once the row is completed i highlight it so that i know which one i have just done. This helped a lot to avoid confusion